Saturday, October 29, 2005

a reminder.

29Oct is Mike & Me's 15th Monthiversary.

Full 15months of torture from me.
Somehow I wondered how he stand it.

or maybe,
that's the reason why he's always oversea.

Malaysia, Japan, Brunei... and now? Taiwan.

I thought he could have been a pilot.
Flying almost every other month.

I worry a lot you know.
Esp on his pocket.
when he need to crack his head just to find the perfect present for me.
(I'm easy to please what... no?)

This is a reminder...
of how sweet he has been for the past 15months.
How adorable when he laughs at me.
How cute when he hugs teddy "butt-facing" him.
How smart when he's in uniform.
How he makes me laugh.
How badly he sings & I ain't any better.
How he'll tickle me with his moztouchie.
How I'll giggle at all the small things.
How he'll hug me when I cry.
How much he loves me.
("that's this [open hands wide] much")

I wouldn't say 15months is long.
but it's 5x the length of my previous relationship.
15x the length of the previous previous relationship.
& 30-60x longer than all the other nitty gritty relationships.

Anyway, who says duration determine how good is the relationship?
I thought it's the quality sex that counts? *grins*

I miss my baby.
He's cumming home tomorrow.
to me!

*pops chimpanzee*
I can't afford it yet.
maybe Pepsi will do huh?

*pops Pepsi instead*


Love ya so much.
Can't wait to let you see my nails. woot~


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