Saturday, June 17, 2006

if you're not born with it...

Some people are born with talents,
some born with looks,
some born with brains,
some born with all of them and
some who are like me: always asking why I'm not born with this or that.

Maybe it's just me or what..
but I really feel like slapping myself.
Everytime I fall, I sit on the track and cry.
or I grumble about life being unfair..
example: (why so-&-so have lots of money, why so-&-so looks so pretty, why so-&-so can sing so well, why so-&-so is so smart...)

Are you like me?
Always sitting on the couch/bed/floor with a tisues box, talking to whoever who still cares, asking whys?
Why do people not like me?
Why am I always getting Bs when I should get As.
Why am I the unlucky one.
Why am always in some trouble or another.
Why am I so stress.
Why this, why that.
why why why why why.


It's time to stand up and do something.

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