Wednesday, November 22, 2006

*edited-don't want to bully old man* Mr Clause

Dear Santa,

Last year, I DIDN'T GET ANY PRESENTS from you.. :(
maybe I wasn't a good girl or maybe the elves accidentally dropped my letter and you missed it. But it's not fair! You never gave me anything for the past 17years. It's my last year as a kid, you must give me something. *pouts*


This is my list of *wants*

  1. Something that gives me good skin. (eg. Guardian masks, Clinique mild soap, good eyecream, anything that works to get rid of those nasty stuffs.)
  2. Give me clothes that fits me!
  3. Panadols please.
  4. Unlimited disposiable contact lens
  5. Black eyeliner that's EASY to use and looks GOOD on me.
  6. Send my brothers for "manner classes"
  7. Sleeping pills for restless nights
  8. A shampoo that's good.
  9. Some interesting courses to start me rolling.
  10. or just give me some cold hard cash. I love money!

I know you're a busy man Santa. I just need a little bit of your time to make it down to this hot and wet Singapore. I stay at the highest floor, so it's easier for your rein deers to land. =) I promise I'll sleep early and will not peek. pretty please?

The very sweet and no longer young


  1. Err.. *sweat*

    No.2 - 10 seems a bit too much to ask or hard for us to make it happen isn't it?

    At least we still got no.1 here.

    Bet your boyfriend is sweating seeing no.10!

  2. lols.

    Santa owe me one... :P

    My boyfriend know I "joking" lah. must day-dream abit mah.. :P
