Sunday, August 19, 2007

My previous post had like 98pongs on!

1 sentence, 2 photos.
Am I worth it?

I love taking photos. but I got to admit, I'm a lousy photographer and a super lazy blogger.
Currently 320 photos are waiting for me to edit/delete/post.

I feel so bad.
My comp is so slow.
and I am as slow as my comp -kept getting distracted! I'm a failure when it comes to multi-tasking. :(

Here are some really random photos.

Bunny. or is it a Cat? Cost Chicky $7.90!!! So expensive lah!


If there weren't so many mosquitoes, I think it's the best place for my brothers to study.

Spidey spidey, what cha' doing?

Yesh! Chicky finally am a graduate! woots~

See the green building? It's very interesting. =)

Anyone tried this before? I meant the drink not the girl lah!!!

All the kids hates me. -bleah

Chicky and Defector. (Taken 1 month ago)

Bear meets Chicky.


  1. Why you everytime ganna black blue 1? Defector bully u? :P

  2. Don't call SPCA please..

  3. tried e new vitagen..nt bad..flower flavours.. but abit ex. lols.. $3.60 per pack of 5..
    i gt pretty serious prob w/ stitch so hav difficulty runnin long dist :X even sprint..after quite a no. of sets oso 'll feel e pain at abdominal area.. kinda a hindrance for me to train for long dist.. if nt v ez to earn cca in sp de haha.. since represent one time gt 10 points alr :X
