As first I thought it would be my worst CNY.
Now I think I have had a pretty Happy Chinese New Year.
Very satisfied with most of the stuffs.
Yes there maybe some sad stuffs but they should not bother me too much from now on. :)
I felt like a little girl in this big big world.
When I thought everyone was good, I see the bad side of some people.
Someone once said "No one can make you upset unless you allow him/her to" or something along that line..
I still feel like a little girl, but I feel so much braver now.
Thanks to all those around me.
Even though you might not even know what's going on, but your presence makes me feel rich (not the monetary rich lah!!!). I feel like I'm not alone. I feel that those who tries so hard to trip me are damn pathetic. Next time look for someone your size to bully!
Don't bully little girl like me. because you wouldn't know when I will turn around and eat you up!
*sleepy eyes*
I wanna thank Lynn.
For the eyebrow treading treat, walking with me to get those silly stones (good news I manage to get some the next day!) and also walking all over town to find THE CHICKEN WING WHICH WAS SNATCHED AWAY BY SOME AUNTIE! oops. and also to thank you for listening to my grumbles about people I don't like. I felt so so so much better now. When I get my first big check, we must go shopping k? By the way, you're right, Guess seems so blah to me now. But I don't mind if there's something nice and with the 40% of you told me about. :)
I wanna thank Mike's "big wife" Desmond.
For remembering that I like JAY CHOU and bought me A JAY CHOU CONCERT DVD all the way from TAIWAN! I love you man. no that kind of love lah. Really THANK YOU! :)
I wanna thank Pei Hau and his very pretty girlfriend Ya Hui.
For getting me this cute Abercrombie skirt from your HongKong trip. Thanks! It's sweet! :)
I bought this hot little (sizeS) Brown BEGA jacket/blazer for work last week.
I wear it almost everyday. Cost me SGD69! But I really have no clothes for work le. Hoping I'll get to go Jurong Point for shopping later. :P
Karen jie was on leave for 3 days (son go childcare) and she got me pencils with my name when she came back on Thursday! So sweet right? Just like me right? :p
And she did this just for me! Sweets! now no one will dare to touch my stationery! muahaha...
Yesterday while waiting for boy boy to pick me up, I went to this cd shop. They are having some moving out sale thingy. I manage to get this Fahrenheit CD for $13.90! muahaha... And the I got a free gift!!!
Yes Jay Chou pouch. Not sure if I have the time to go down again tomorrow. :P
I finally decide to buy 2 brushes from The Body Shop. They are having this 20% off if you buy 2 brushes kind of thing. So I bought 1 face brush and 1 blusher brush. Total damage about $50.00 and I get a free gift (the small bottle thingy at the side.)
I love shopping.
I love free gifts.
I love when it I pay for my own stuffs.
I love blogging about my shoppings.
Most of all, I love my darling who shop with me and carry all my heavy stuffs. :P
Okie. that's all of my boring life and wonderful friends and family for now. :)
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