Tuesday, September 18, 2007

The secret is out.

Yes, after the long wait, it's finally out.

Catch the secret in VCD, DVD and own the best soundtrack of the year now!

I manage to get the soundtrack that's the same as the peeps at Taiwan have.

Even if you don't like Jay's voice, you'll still fall in love with his piano playing skill.
no doubt. He makes me wanna learn piano too. argh...

Listening to the songs/music makes me miss the show even more.
So, I've bought the VCD, Defector got the DVD. We're going to watch it over again and again. :P

By the way, if you haven't catch it on screen yet, quickly get the VCD/DVD now!
If you're lucky like us, you might get the poster too!
The DVD gets you the postcards and the VCD gets you a cute coaster. *melts*

Chicky melts the Internet, Jay melts Chicky, Jay melts the Internet. ;)


  1. wah so fast out alr.. harry so long >< but think cant get e discs so fast.. alr v broke :X hol spend even mre lols

    btw i chge my blog add..
    real sry..u jus update i chge again :X

  2. I update already. =)
