Defector is sadistic26, uglyfatchick is uglyfatchick...
Defector and uglyfatchick, kissing in pubic!
quick, take a photo and send it to stomp!!
Behind the scene, practise-ing our lines...
Defector cries in this scene.
Scene 55 Take 1, NG! -wrong expression.
Scene 59, Take 1, NG! - Wrong lines.
Scene 59, Take 2, NG! - Wrong lines.
Too many NGs!!
In this scene, uglyfatchick expresses her love.
Behind the scene, Defector playing with his "weapon".
In this scene, uglyfatchick laughs at Defector's silliness.
Happy little couple. -close up
In this scene, uglyfatchick and Defector is on a huge blue bird.
Happy little couple.
The clouds are really fluffy and nice. =)
This scene, Defector and uglyfatchick got off the huge blue bird.
Behind the scenes, Defector caught taking naps. Stand-sleeping!
Someone got to donate money to me. No more funds to continue production of The Titanic and the Huge Blue Bird. :(
haha awwww. how nostalgic.