Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Why it's good to be short?

1) We get to stand it front when taking photos. =)

2) It's so easy to notice me. The shortest in class since nursery.

3) No matter how old my face looks, from far away no one will be able to guess my real age.

4) I can act cute for many more years to come. you tall people cannot. BLEAH~

5) Short people are more intelligent. really. :P

6) Guys generally prefer short girls. don't believe me?

7) "In-laws" or boyfriend's parents normally treats us so much more better. *this is proven by me*

8) We have tighter vaginas. Not scientifically proven though. :P

9) We can wear a big shirt to sleep and we still look adorable.

10) Boobs doesn't sag much because we're nearer to ground = less gravity = less pulling force.


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